coconut water in a glass

Health Benefits of Coconut Water, Based On Science

This hydrating drink is an awesome and healthy alternative to soda!

Coconut water has many benefits for both mind and body alike. Not only does it contain lots of potassium - which helps with everything from muscle recovery after exercise to improving our digestive systems. It also offers an abundance of vitamins that are great for keeping our immune system strong as well as boosting energy levels.

Unsurprisingly, more people are becoming health conscious, breaking away from sugary sodas or juice boxes, instead opting for the delicious flavor and health benefits of drinking coconut water.

Did you know our green juice has coconut water as an ingredient


drinking coconut water

What Is Coconut Water?

Coconut water is the liquid inside young, green coconuts. Coconut water has 94% pure H2O content very little fat. It should, however, not be confused with coconut milk which has 50% fat. Coconut milk comes from grated and soaked white flesh of mature brown coconuts.

Coconut water tastes sweet and delicious, and it's a great way to stay hydrated during exercise or on hot days. There are many health benefits of taking coconut water because it contains natural electrolytes that replenish what your body loses through sweat or from eating too much sodium. Plus, if you're suffering from dehydration caused by heatstroke, coconut water is a great way to restore fluids in your system!

So what else sets apart this drink that not only tastes good when chilled but offers all sorts of great health benefits? Plenty! Here are the top 10 health benefits of coconut water:

It's a good source of important nutrients.

Coconut water is a good source of important nutrients. It contains electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium, which are vital for high energy levels, muscle function, hydration regulation, and maintaining your body's natural pH balance. Electrolytes also help regulate blood pressure, so you'll feel less sluggish throughout the day!

The average sports drink (not all) doesn't provide natural and healthy vitamin contents as coconut water, but rather they're just full of sugar or artificial flavors.

Coconut Water Nutritional Facts

One cup/ 8oz/(240 ml) contains an average of 45 calories

  • Total Fat: 0g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 25mg
  • Potassium: 470mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 11g
  • Total Sugars: 11g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Calcium: 4% DV

Supports healthy digestion

Drinking the recommended amount of water a day ensures that your body's digestion is still running smoothly and absorbing all those nutrients you need. Unlike regular water, though, coconut water takes things to the next level. It contains 25 milligrams of magnesium and 1.1 gram of fiber per 100 grams.

Fiber is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy digestive system. With fiber, it becomes easier to have solid waste that moves through your body quickly without creating an uncomfortable feeling.

On the other hand, Magnesium helps to relax your muscles and is often taken in supplement form to relieve conditions like constipation. Studies have shown that people who drink coconut water regularly are less likely to experience constipation or related conditions like bloating, gas, cramps, stomach pain, or headaches.

May reduce blood pressure.

A recent study by the American Heart Association (AHA) revealed that people who consumed high levels of potassium-rich food had significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressures than those with low intakes after six months. Coconut water is rich in potassium which helps regulate your heart rate and lowers sodium levels, a mineral that increases blood pressure when present at high doses.

In fact, there's up to 600 milligrams more potassium per serving ( nearly twice the amount in a banana) than sports drinks like Gatorade or PowerAde! That means you can drink coconut water without feeling guilty about your blood pressure levels climbing due to the high sodium content found in most other beverages.

It's a natural sports drink.

Coconut water may help to refuel after workouts and boost muscle recovery.

Coconut water is not just for regular hydrating. It can also help during or after a workout. Unlike sports beverages that often have too much sodium in them, which slows down fluid absorption, coconut water contains natural potassium and glucose to fuel muscles, replenish lost electrolytes, and help speed up recovery time, so you're ready to take your next challenge head-on!

Coconut sugar is highly nutritious for athletes, and it doesn't come with adverse effects on one’s blood sugar levels like most carb drinks. It keeps you going without the "crash" effect that could impact your workout and fitness progressions!

It can help with weight loss.

Coconut water is low in calories, caffeine, fat-free, and cholesterol-free.

Drinking coconut water may help with weight loss because it has a high level of nutrients that fill you up without adding to your calorie intake.

Most people mistake thirst for hunger and end up snacking on tasty juice or soda instead of water, leading to weight gain. And even though coconut water has more calories than plain water, it is substantially lower in calories than other beverages like soda and juice. This simple swap can help you cut back on calories over the course of the week.

If you don't like water because of the plain and simple taste, coconut is sweeter!

Although coconut water contains natural sugars like glucose and sucrose, they're only around half the amount found in most sports drinks on the market today. It's also worth noting that these sugars are released slowly into your bloodstream, so there's no after crash that's mostly associated with caffeinated drinks.

It may contain antioxidants properties.

It's no secret that proper hydration is key to having radiant skin. However, drinking coconut water can have some added benefits for your complexion, and it tastes great too!

Compared to regular water, coconut water contains more vitamin C (around 10 milligrams per 100 grams), which is great to keep you hydrated for longer and boosting your glowing skin by reducing inflammation and promoting healing, both internally (in organs) and externally (skin).

It helps to cure hangovers.

Drinking too much whiskey can leave you feeling dehydrated and foggy in the morning. Coconut water contains electrolytes and glucose, which replenish what is lost due to drinking too much alcohol. If you want to feel better after a fun night out, take a glass of coconut juice, and you'll be ready to go in no time!

How To Incorporate/Use Coconut Water at Home

Drink it straight up

If you're struggling with drinking enough water, or find that plain H2O is too dull and tasteless for your taste buds, try swapping it out for a cup of refreshing coconut water. Coconut water has an almost sweet flavor which can make hydration more enjoyable, making it easy to meet your hydration goal.

Mix it with your smoothies

Coconut water is the perfect substitute for plant-based milk in recipes like coconut chia seed pudding. It has a sweet, refreshing taste and contains essential nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C that are hard to get elsewhere.

Get creative with popsicles.

On a hot day, there's nothing more refreshing than an icy popsicle. To make your own homemade creations at home without any added sugar or artificial ingredients, all you need is coconut water and some fresh fruit to create natural, healthy, and nutritious popsicles.

Make homemade coconut water ice cubes.

You can shake up your summer drink with a creative twist. Swap your regular ice cubes and make some fresh, tastier ones from coconut water for an extra refreshing sip! Pop them into your favorite cocktail or drink for a refreshing twist.

Mix it into your salad dressing

Create a new tropical salad dressing by mixing coconut water with your favorite oil and spices! It's a creative, delicious, and healthy way to enjoy your salad.

Bottom Line

Most people don't get enough potassium as they don't eat enough fruits or veggies. Coconut water helps bridge this nutritional gap and is a great way to cut on sodium consumption that's commonly found in most processed drinks.

So, it's good, but should I drink coconut water every day?

Definitely! Coconut water is nutritious and a relatively low-calorie way to stay hydrated while adding more potassium to your diet.

However, people with chronic kidney disease should avoid taking coconut water in large quantities. A large intake of high potassium content for kidney patients could cause life-threatening conditions such as hyperkalemia (excess potassium on the blood).

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